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Displaying results 18-25 of 196

"If you are currently trying to start divorce proceedings in the UK (England or Wales specifically), you will need to request a Conditional Order. When it comes time to apply for a Conditional Order (o..."

"If you’re concerned that your husband or wife is having an affair, you may be overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. In this situation, it is completely natural to have strong feelings of anger, betrayal, ..."

"The breakdown of a relationship can often lead to complex legal disputes, particularly when it comes to issues related to the family home. Occupation Orders are a powerful legal tool designed to prote..."

"Family Court ex parte injunctions play a crucial role in protecting people, particularly in cases involving domestic violence or disputes concerning child arrangements. They are designed to offer swif..."

"Many people who become stepparents love their stepchild deeply and want to cement their relationship by formally adopting them. This is a substantial step, which differs from other arrangements such a..."

"When a couple gets divorced the division of matrimonial property and assets often causes disputes. It can be difficult for the spouse who feels they have contributed more financially to accept that th..."

"“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”.  These immortal words were spoken by Juliet because she was not allowed to associate with Romeo, a Montague..."

"Even in 2023, many people believe that for abuse to exist in a relationship, there must be physical harm. Nothing could be further from the truth. Domestic violence can include physical, emotional and..."

Displaying results 18-25 of 196