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Employment Tribunal Work

When things go wrong and a claim is made against you, it can be stressful and time consuming to manage this.  We will assist you with alleviating this stress and helping you to present your case as robustly as possible in the circumstances.


Where possible, we offer fixed fees for each step of the process so that you can budget for the likely costs, and we can discuss ways in which costs can be minimised - this may include deciding to offer a commercial settlement (without any admission of liability).


As a guide, if we were to assist you in defending an unfair or wrongful dismissal claim, our fees will fall within the following brackets.  The variation of the fixed fees depends on the complexity of the case (all cases vary hugely - no two cases are the same) and the level of lawyer who is assigned to assist with the task/stage in the process.


We have a number of lawyers who may assist with your case. The hourly rates vary from £200 - £260 plus vat. You will be advised at the start of the case the levels of lawyers assigned to your case, and their specific hourly rates.  Where possible, however, we will not conduct the work on a time spent basis, but offer fixed fees.


These fees relate to claims made against employers.  We will advise and assist with claims made by an employee, and broadly speaking fees will follow this guide.  However, in the event we act for an employee in their Employment Tribunal claim, we would provide specific detailed fees estimates for the work required.


Preparation of Response & Summary of Case                                 

£1,500 - £2,500

Disclosure of Evidence                                                                      

£1,500 - £2,000

Trial Bundles                                                                          


Witness Statements                                                               

£3,500 - £6,000

Preparation for Hearing                                                                     

£1,000 - £1,500

Attendance at Hearing (including Counsel’s fees)                

£3,000 - £7,000 

Other fees relating to the day to day running of case                       


TOTAL                                                                                    plus VAT

£13,100 - £21,600

Disbursements generally will include Counsel’s (a barrister’s) fee only.  There are currently no Tribunal fees payable.

Fees may alter where the scope of work varies, or in more unique circumstances.  We will advise you of such changes if and when necessary, and before work is carried out.